Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology

The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology is an Indian fundamental life science research establishment located in Hyderabad that operates under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. CCMB is a designated "Centre of Excellence" by the Global Molecular and Cell Biology Network, UNESCO. CCMB is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in frontier areas of modern biology, and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology. CCMB was set up initially as a semi-autonomous Centre on April 1, 1977 with the Biochemistry Division of the then Regional Research Laboratory (presently, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, IICT) Hyderabad forming its nucleus. During 1981-82, CCMB was accorded status of a full-fledged national laboratory with its own Executive Committee and Scientific Advisory Council. With major expansion plans, it was decided to relocate the Centre to a spacious campus. CCMB moved to its present campus on November 26, 1987.

Established in 1977
Founding Director Dr. P. M. Bhargava
Current Director Dr. Vinay K. Nandicoori
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Research Type Cellular and Molecular Biology
Website Visit Official Website

Research Areas

  1. Developmental Biology :- This group tries to understand how cells come together to form a complex multicellular organism - what signals cells sense to know their fates, where these cues come from, and how they are encoded, stored and interpreted.

  2. Structural Biology :- Cells work because of multiple classes of molecular machines working in them. This group tries to understand how the structures of these machines contribute to cellular processes and functions.

  3. Genomics and Epigenetic Regulation :- The genetic code holds information on the organisation and function of all living systems. This group studies the functional relevance of coding and non-coding regions of genomes in organismal development, health, and disease using various model systems.

  4. Cell and Stem Cell Biology :- The work of this group is to explore the mechanisms by which cells divide, differentiate, interact with their environment, and self-renew. These studies could lead to the development of novel approaches to address problems in human health.

  5. Microbes and Biology of Infection :- Pathogens cause disease by subverting cellular processes of their hosts. Thsi group are elucidates the mechanisms by which various classes of microbes establish infection and ensure their survival.

  6. Wildlife Conservation and Ecology :- The conservation biotechnology program of this group aims to provide insights on the protection and propagation of endangered wildlife, reveal aspects of animal behaviour, trace the evolutionary history of species, solve forensic cases, and help in early detection of wildlife diseases.

  7. Crop Improvement :- This group uses its understanding of plant genetics and physiology to develop crop varieties with enhanced traits such as higher yields and disease resistance.

  8. Innovation and Technology Development :- The leads emerging from fundamental research are being channelled into developing technologies for societal benefit.

Technologies Developed

  1. Developed the DNA Fingerprinting Technology in India; and made India the third country in the world to have its own fingerprinting technology.
  2. Developed the universal primer technology that can identify the species of source animal from any animal product.
  3. Discovered the heart disease mutation, carried by 6 crore people among Indians.
  4. Developed the first genetically engineered, gene knockout mouse in India.
  5. To read more :- Click Here

Awards and Honours